On the platform, politician Luís Carlos Prestes (1898-1990), who led the Prestes Column in October, 1924. He was president of honor of the National Liberation Alliance, an anti-fascist and anti-imperialist movement that brought together lieutenants, socialists and communists, who were dissatisfied with the Vargas government. He led the Intentona Comunista (Communist Uprising) and became known by the sobriquet Cavaleiro da Esperança (Knight of Hope).
Political campaign for Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, the Frente Brasil Popular (Brazil’s Popular Front - PT, PSB, PCdoB) presidential candidate in the second round of elections. Rally held on Candelária Square. An estimated 1 million people attended the rally according to the organizers, and 120,000 people according to the Military Police.