PTB’s pre-convention
Assembléia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro - ALERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil; 12/6/1982
Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro State (ALERJ). PTB (Brazilian Labor Party) pre-convention that recorded Senator Nelson Carneiro having joined the Party. In the photo, Sandra Cavalcanti, Senator Nelson Carneiro on her right, and Congressman Edson Khair. The Senator joined PTB along with four Congressmen: Edson Khair, José Maria de Carvalho, Rubem Dourado and Felipe Penna, who left PMDB because they were displeased with the incorporation of the Chagas supporters group (known as ‘Chaguistas’) of the extinct PP (Progressive Party). The pre-convention launched the candidacy of former Congresswoman Sandra Cavalcanti for the State Government of Rio de Janeiro.
Claudia Ferreira
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